Those People

Path, journey, thing…whatever you call it; this is life. Has anyone ever asked you to tell a bit about the most influential people you have met along your path, journey, thing?  Nobody has ever asked me that question, but it is a good one.  I think I will take a moment to give those people a shoutout.

There is my father, Dad. I had 40 years with him, and he influenced me in ways that I was never able to tell him, partially because I didn’t even know he did it.  He encouraged holism before anyone even used that word. He was kind. He loved in the best way that he could every day, and he used every day to learn how to love “better.” He was fascinated by the human body, always doing the best he could to treat it with respect. Always the naturalist, but never judgmental. When he died, a part of him was born into me, and I understood what my new role was.

There are my teachers; a bunch of them. Mrs. Lowry in 4th grade , Ms. Babcock in 5th grade, Mr. Huntress in 8th grade. Those teachers that I remember for the way they made me feel, because I don’t remember what they said (except of course “Rabbits!”- Ms. Babcock wrote that on the board every first of the month and I still say it.) I felt safe with them, and I felt smart; like I could do anything.  They made me want to work harder to make them see that I was capable, and I started believing in myself.

Dr. Ruta Nonacs saved my life, just by listening every Wednesday for 50 minutes at a time when life seemed hopeless. Shoutout to you my friend, for without you, my journey would have ended about 21 years ago.

There’s Greg McDonald.  I’m married to him. He’s my biggest fan (he tells me all of the time.)  He’s a wonderful father, and he walks this path next to me.  Not easy: both staying next to me and the journey. 🙂

Shane McDonald, for his courage, wit, and depth of character. Hope McDonald for being the best friend I have ever seen a person be. Emma McDonald, for her inner strength and understanding of self. Chad McDonald, for the bottomless well of kindness in his heart that he shares with the world. Remy McDonald, our GoldenDoodle for just putting up with me and loving our family unconditionally for the 12 great years he had here.

Of course I meet inspirational people every day.  These were just a few I thought about today.

Carry on.

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